Knitting and Crochet Blog Week Photo Nominations!

Hello, hello! Remember the Knitting and Crochet Blog Week Photography Challenge Day? Well, unfortunately none of my photographs made it into the closer selection, but the 10 nominated photographs are so awesome!!!! The creators did an incredible job, you should check all of the photographs. It’s going to be really difficult picking one of the pictures. The nominations are open until Sunday, I think. Go and vote!

1: Big Teal Bird Needs More Food to Get Bigger, but Finds the Bird Feeder Not Quite Big Enough by Stitched Together

2: A World Of Yarn by Annie Claire

3: A Yarny hair Day by Crea In The City

4: Jerk by The Harpy

5: Dark Side Of The Yarn by Bear Ears

6: Knitted Beach by Wool & Cotton

7: Clash of the Crustaceans by Disorderly Twinings

8: Pixie Winslet by Crafts from the Cwtch

9: Chinese Takeout by The Gauge Wars

10: Treasure Island by Meule de Foin