Your knitting and crochet time

Today is the last day of the 2nd Annual Knitting and Crochet Blog Week. *sniff, sniff* It’s been a ton of fun, especially for me as a new blogger. I got the chance to share my knitting, my crafting processes (or the lack thereof), and the best part of all is of course to connect to all the other crafty bloggers out there. There are just so many blogs that I couldn’t read them all, but I made a valiant effort.

To round up all the posts, today’s topic tackles a favorite of all knitters and crocheters:

Day seven: 3rd April. Your knitting and crochet time.

Write about your typical crafting time. When it is that you are likely to craft – alone or in more social environments, when watching TV or whilst taking bus journeys. What items do you like to surround yourself with whilst you twirl your hook like a majorette’s baton or work those needles like a skilled set of samurai swords. Do you always have snacks to hand, or are you a strictly ‘no crumbs near my yarn!’ kind of knitter.

To be perfectly honest, there’s never enough knitting time. I wish there I had more knitting time (and that everyday life would just manage on its own), or otherwise that I could knit faster. Imagine being able to knit a lace stole in just a few days! Or a sweater over a weekend! There are people on Ravelry that knit that fast – I just don’t know how they do it.

Anyway, my knitting environment. I really like curling up on the couch, watching TV or a movie (LOTR! Star Wars!), with a blanket if it’s really cold outside, my pattern on the arm of the couch, and something nice and warm to drink. Heaven. (No food though, or nothing that could cause sticky or greasy fingers). Or when it’s warm and sunny sit out on the balcony, wiggle my toes in the sunshine and enjoy the birds chirping. And maybe plan an ice cream excursion as a break. This is the perfect environment for me if I’m knitting something complicated – my pattern notes are close enough to check and recheck the instructions, and I have the time and the leisure to count the stitches without annoying distractions.

But I also like knitting when I’m on the go (yup, public knitter here). I’ve knit on the train, on the plane, on the tram, waiting for the bus, at the doctors office, in the car (not while I’m driving!), during informal meetings or dinners – basically anywhere where I have to wait long enough that I can pull out my knitting and get more than a few stitches done. I usually have a easy peasy project on the needles that doesn’t require too much counting or attention, but is still challenging enough to be fun. Plus they need to be small enough that I’m not constantly elbowing my neighbors while I’m trying to knit a ginormous blanket. No thank you, I’d rather knit socks (or scarves, cowls etc).

I’ve gotten all kinds of comments while knitting in public, anything from funny or puzzled looks, comments on how people like the yarn or color, questions as to what I’m knitting, comments on how they used to knit, or how their mom/grandma/other relative used to knit and taught them how to knit, stories on horrible knitting mishaps, the pulling out of their own knitting projects or wips, and so on…

What was my point again? Oh yeah, knitting comments. The most unusual and worst comment I’ve received so far was when I was knitting on the tram, when a ticket inspector came over to me and asked me if I knew that my knitting is dangerous. No really. Because I could endanger myself, or worse fellow passengers if the tram had to stop suddenly. WTF? So does that mean I can’t knit on the plane, or on the train etc, because a sudden stop could bring problems with it? And what does that mean for the food and beverage carts on the plane? Or heavy shopping bags? Or suitcases on the train? Or what if a book I was reading were to fall on another passenger and accidentally caused them injury? And what if I knit at home and an earthquake were to occur? Or if I tripped and fell on my knitting bag? I mean really, the dangers are endless! Grrrrrr…. Anyway, I dutifully packed away my knitting since I didn’t feel like arguing with a blockhead and I ended up reading (which I’ve been neglecting recently anyway).

Well, that’s it! Goodbye Knitting and Crochet Blog Week, and thank you Eskimimi for the awesome event! It’s been lots of fun. And finally, if you want to keep following me along, you can as always continue reading this blog, or find me on Ravelry, username anji. And if you want to read more on the topic “Knitting and Crochet Time” from other bloggers blogging on this topic today, run a search on 2KCBWDAY7, or on Twitter #2KCBW.

And now for something completely different…

“… a man with three buttocks.”

LOL. Oh. Right. We’re not talking about Monty Python. Even though that phrase is my standard answer whenever anyone says “and now for something completely different.” I just had to give it a little shout-out.

Hah, you thought that was it for my experimental blogging day, right? No? Anyway, back to our scheduled program.

2011 2KCBW

Today’s post is all about:

Day Five: 1st April. And now for something completely different
This is an experimental blogging day to try and push your creativity in blogging to the same level that you perhaps push your creativity in the items you create.

There are no rules of a topic to blog about (though some suggestions are given below) but this post should look at a different way to present content on your blog. This can take one of many forms, but here a few suggestions:

  • Wordless, photographic post
  • Video blog post
  • Podcast
  • Cartoon/sketch of an idea
  • Write about a subject from a different perspective (for example, you could write about a day in the life of a knitted sock from the point of view of the sock).
  • Interpretive modern dance (why does someone always suggest this?
  • A poem or piece of rhyming verse
  • Stop motion animation

So, in the spirit of today, April’s Fools Day, I’ve had to come up with something else. Unfortunately, there aren’t any Monty Python skits talking about knitting (shocking, right?). But since today’s post can also deal with interpretive modern dance, I offer you another “dance” video:

I’m really having fun with today’s post – think outside the box, right? And in case you were wondering “Where’s the knitting?” – here you go (found through creative googling):

I’ve definitely brought my inner geek out to play today. So if you’re interested in more that I do kn the world of kintting, you can find me on Ravelry, username anji. And if you’re interested in seeing other posts on the topic ‘A Tale of Two Yarns’ from other bloggers who’ll be blogging today on this topic, just search on Google (or another search engine) for the tag 2KCBWDAY4, and on Twitter #2KCBW.

ETA: Somehow this post bypassed it’s scheduling and showed up on the 31st – as a result it was seen, and ended up receiving this award from Aaron D. Graham:

Versatile Blogger Award

Thank you Aaron! I’ll put up another post about the 7 random factoids about me, and nominate 15 other new bloggers. But I think that’ll have to wait till tomorrow.