Cake! Cake! Cake!

I don’t think this was what Marie Antoinette had in mind when she suggested that they (the French peasants) eat cake, nom nom. Actually, the original quote is probably misattributed and apart from that, it’s supposed to say: “Let them eat brioche.” Oh, and did you know that there is a House episode titled “Let Them Eat Cake?”

I have a favorite birthday cake. I love love love it – well, if I didn’t love it, it wouldn’t be my birthday cake. The cake? It’s a Mocha Cake. It’s actually my Gran’s specialty. She used when my Mom was a little girl. Well, the cake was distributed among the entire family including the bunch of cousins, and everybody got a teeny sliver. A teeny sliver that everyone savored. And it was a treat – there were no mixers, no KitchenAid so all the mixing and beating of the dough was done by hand. I’ve beat whipping cream by hand, which already was a lot of work so I can’t imagine how much work that was. And since they didn’t have an oven, they had to take the cake to a bakery to have it baked there.

I didn’t take any pictures of the entire cake because it was just too tasty to take the time to photograph it

Gran doesn’t really work off recipes. Neither her cooking nor her baking is full of precise direction. Her Indian food recipes are something like “when the oil begins to pearl but not too quickly” or “when it smells right” or “depending on the meat.” Yeah, not so helpful. You need to really have a lot of experience for those directions to make sense. And my Indian cooking is nowhere on her level that I have had enough practice making those dishes. Whenever I cook something in that direction I end up being disappointed because it’s just not up to her or my Mom’s standards. Which means that I don’t get the practice in to get more cooking experience. I also don’t like going out for Indian food since it’s never as good as Mom’s. A catch-22.

I’m not making fudge, but since Gran fudges her recipes this was very appropriate. And darn it, now I want ice cream

Anyway, Gran has always fudged her proportions, which is pretty contrary to baking since it so based on chemistry – change the balance and you might end up with a cake mess. In fact, the last time I made a Mocha cake with her, she basically asked me dump 1 lb of butter in the bowl, plus a bunch of sugar – just based on her sense of proportion. And a bunch of eggs – I’m not sure how many since it’s a been a long time since we baked together, but it was at least 8 eggs. The mixing bowl was already full with that mix, so we separated the mass, and then she added flour and nuts and coffee according to her judgement. We ended up with 3 and a half cake ‘loaves’ – our neighbors and friends loved us. In fact, one of our friends always hopes that there’s some leftover mocha cake when she stops by for a meal.

The cake is basically a modified sponge cake, with less sugar than normal (so many cake recipes call for too much sugar). Apart from the usual suspects, it als consists of ground nuts, either almonds or hazelnuts, and mocha. The mocha is very concentrated coffee – instant coffee dissolved in very little water. I guess you could also use a very very strong espresso. Once the cake is in the oven you make your frosting. It’s a mix of butter, powdered sugar, more concentrated mocha and ground nuts, whatever you used in the cake. Once the frosting is done you stick in the fridge to keep it cool.

Then it’s time for the best part of the cake – apart from eating the cake of course. The completely cooled cake is carefully cut in half . If you’re ambitious, you can cut the cake into 3 layers rather than two. Just make sure you whip up some extra frosting. Now you’ll frost the bottom layer of the cake before adding the top layer. If your frosting is too, well, buttery and warm, stick it in the fridge til the frosting is cool and spreadable, not too solidified. Then you’ll frost the remainder of the cake. At the end, when you’re done you’ll add walnut pieces, preferable walnut halves as a decorative element. Stick the cake in the fridge to solidify the cake. Make sure to also store the cake in the freezer.

Mmmm, frosting (sorry for the blurry pic)

And then, then it’s time to eat! The end pieces are the ones everyone battles for, but the rest is just as tasty. Plus you savor every single bite since it’s made only once a year.

Star Wars party invitations

But – I think I want a Star Wars kind of cake too. I mean, how creative. And the geek in me would have so much fun. And can you imagine Star Wars cupcakes? You know, headshots as cupcake decorations? I think I need to tinker around with that. I probably will need to make the cake covering out of fondant, or if I really want to be decadent, I could also make them out of marzipan. Mmmm, marzipan.

I’ll also take a Star Wars party – the geek in me would have so much fun, plus it’s so much more practical than a Stormtrooper outfit, or Darth Maul or Leia slave costume. Tasty cake vs uncomfortable costume, hmmm, which one would win… Although, it is pretty awesome to see the costumes that people create. Plus there are apparently many Star Wars themed weddings – not my cup of tea, but I’m sure it’s a great wedding party. (Click on the images for more pictures from the different parties).

One Man Star Wars

Given how often I’ve talked about Star Wars on this blog, it’s pretty clear that I would love this: One Man Star Wars. I saw it in DC, at the Woolly Mammoth Theatre, and it was a blast. Charles Ross does an awesome job – it’s not a straight retelling of the original trilogy – and yes, only the original trilogy – it also has lots of little humorous bits in there. He also does all the sound effects, too.

This one is with R2D2 and C3PO. Love the droid sounds!

There is also a One Man Lord of the Rings version, which I haven’t seen so far. But I will! Yup, I’m a geek. Check out his website for more videos of parts of his performance

Sorry for the video heavy post, but I figured you’d enjoy this.

The best Star Wars Trilogy version

Apart from the original, of course. I came across this one while looking for Star Wars stop motion versions. As I’ve mentioned before, I created a stop motion animation video for the Knitting and Crochet Blog Week, and my original idea was to go with a Star Wars theme. I had planned for my needles to engage in a battle a la Darth Vader and Obi-Wan Kenobi, and before I developed that concept further, I wanted to see what my options would be in using the actual Star Wars music. You know, using the Imperial Death March, or creating a modified intro scroll together with the main theme music. While searching, I came across this video – full of win!

In case you’re wondering what happened to my concept, I took the duel option and created a kind of Wild West ‘shootout’ between my knitting needles. I’m still thinking of creating a Star Warsesque knitting stop motion video…

Star Wars (cake!)

I am a geek, I admit it. I’ve given you hints of my geekiness along the way. I could talk and talk and talk about my love of Star Wars. Not that it’s the only proof of geekiness. But this post is about Star Wars, so Star Wars is what I’ll talk about. Btw, did you know that July 13 is “Embrace Your Geekness Day?” Oh, and if you like geeky stuff, you should totally check out Geektroverted. So full of awesome.

I have no idea how often I’ve seen the original trilogy. Not as often as as my friend Mark, who used to watch one of the original Trilogy movies as a teen. I camped out for the Phantom Menace. I heard Anthony Daniels talk, who really is tall and skinny. No wonder he fit into that C3PO outfit. I haven’t seen the 3D version, but I have DVDs of both the revised version of the original Trilogy as well as the unedited one. I like that one better anyway – errors and fudging, and Ewok dancing and all. Btw, don’t you love those little Star Wars chibis? These were made by Joe Wright, over on Deviant Art.

Why is there no Yoda chibi? Lando Calrissian? And if there’s a Govenor Tarkin chibi, what about Admiral Ackbar?

My birthday cake is a classic mocha cake. I love it. It is delicious. It’s only made once a year, for my birthday, so I always look forward to it. I’ve seen some of the cake shows on TV, and have been pretty impressed with some of the cakes that people whip up. I actually once thought of getting an Ace of Cakes cake for my sister’s baby shower, but the waiting time was 1(!!!) year. Whoa. Yeah, that wasn’t happening. And apart from that you have no idea what the cake actually tastes like. You see the the amazing features, but then there are all these pipes and styrofoam elements – you wonder how much cake is actually left. And then there’s all that rolled fondant, which I can’t imagine tasting good. Does anyone know what it tastes like?

But I’ll gladly throw out all my cake prejudices for a Star Wars cake. Or even a Star Wars party. I mean, check out these cakes featured on Geektroverted:

Oh, Han Solo

Who doesn’t like Han Solo? Even if he is a “stuck up, half-witted, scruffy looking nerf herder.” Don’t believe me?

Awesome image, right? This one is part of a whole series of behind-the-scenes images released from “The Empire Strikes Back.” Thank you Geektroverted for putting these up! These three are my favorites:

This love affair between the two of us can never last… (Darth Vader and his director) Love this one!

Yes, Anthony Daniels talked about how hot his C3PO outfit was. “Sir, If I may venture an opinion… ” … this outfit is just too hot! (paraphrased)

Why, a little carbonite freezing never hurt anyone

Craft Your Perfect Day

Yes, the Knitting and Crochet Blog Week is over, sniff sniff. But really, look at that topic. Isn’t it perfect?

Wildcard Topic: Craft Your Perfect Day
Plan your fantasy day with your craft, It might just take up one hour of your day or be the entire focus of the day, but tell your readers where you’d love to craft, whether you’d craft alone or with friends, knitting or crocheting something simple or spending a day learning new skills.

I’m getting back to normal, getting back to more crafting, and Tuesday is a holiday (yay for May 1st!), so really truly can make it my perfect crafting day. So let’s get to it!

OMG, how awesome - a knitting basket cake!

Well, Tuesday is going to be a beautiful day – sunny, not too warm, spring is in full bloom, and everybody is enjoying the lovely weather. That just calls for a long lovely walk, with a few breaks at park benches along the way. The perfect place for a break, and to pull out my knitting and knit along for a bit while listening to the birds, and the children laughing. And at the end of my walk, I’ll find a coffee shop or a bakery, or maybe even an ice cream shop and treat myself to something sweet – and then knit again for a while. That’ll probably take up quite a few hours right then and there. Since this is my perfect craft day, I’ll just ignore that I should probably take care of some everyday things like, oh, household stuff and so on. And in the evening I’ll curl up on the couch with a cup of tea, find a good movie to watch and get in some quality crafting time – and if there isn’t anything good to watch, then I might just rewatch one of the Lord of the Rings or Star Wars movies for the gazillionth time. Yup, nerd here.

And just in case that the weather gods decide that we should get rain, well, there’s not much better than sitting inside, listening to the rain while you’re all cozy and warm. And hey, I might even go to one of my favorite yarn stores – it’s more of a trek going there, but it’s so amazing. I could indulge in looking at color and fiber combinations and daydream of new yarn purchases and the patterns I’d knit up. No actual yarn buying though, I’m on a yarn diet right now…

Yay! I’m already looking forward to tomorrow!